

Fuchsia are desired for their unique, upside-down flowers that offer two different colors. Trailing Fuchsias excel in hanging baskets so they can hang off the edge of the container. Place in shade and water regularly to attract hummingbirds and bees to your garden.

Light: Mostly shade to complete shade. Tolerates some morning sun or late afternoon sun. Plant will show signs of stress in full sun

Temperature: Grown best in average summer temperatures. Cover, shelter, or bring inside when temperatures dip below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Water: Water regularly. Keep soil moist, but not saturated. Too much water can be damaging to the plant.

Nutrients: Use a balanced fertilizer or close to equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. This will help the plant bloom continually throughout the summer.

Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix for containers and baskets. Always select a container with drainage.

Container Design: Fuchsia are trailing by nature, but there are some that grow vertically. Both excel in patio pots and hanging baskets. The Dark Eyes or Swingtime Fuchsia have a wonderful spilling growing habit great for hanging baskets or to spill over the edge of a container.

Deadheading: No deadheading required. They are self-cleaning plants which means their blooms will wither and fall off naturally when they are spent.

Happy Planting: Fuchsia offer unique, upside-down blooms. Their blooms often have two different colors with the outer petals flaring out and upright and the interior petals filling out. Long stamens extend towards the ground that attract hummingbirds and bees to your garden.