Holiday Open House Update

To all the wonderful families that join us for our Holiday Open House with Santa we wanted to update you on how this year’s event will be different. Our Holiday Open House is our biggest event of the year with so much joy and anticipation. Due to the large scale of this event we will not be hosting a live Santa this year. However, to keep the magic going we will be setting up a holiday photo area with a cardboard cutout of our usual, amazing Santa.


Picture of Cardboard Cutout


Here is what’s different:

·         We will not be hosting a live Santa on our originally planned date of November 21.

·         There will not be any other activities like face painting, crafts, food, or drinks.

·         No large gathering of any kind.


Instead, here is what we are planning:

·         We are spreading out the photo area over about a month’s worth of time.

·         Starting the first or second week of November (Date to be determined) we will set up a holiday photo area with a cardboard cutout of our usual, amazing Santa to keep the tradition alive. (Cutout will be of Santa standing.)

·         Santa will be up throughout November until we close in December.

·         Stop by any day or time during regular business hours to get your 2020 holiday photo. No line, no charge.


Santa would still love to see and hear from the little ones!

Contact Santa to set up a virtual visit at or call the Sleigh Phone at 612-669-9245 for details. Sharing what you would like for Christmas may be different this year, but Santa is very excited to hear from you.

This year has been different in so many ways and visiting with Santa will be different too, but it will still be magical. Despite having to cancel our Open House and an in person visit with Santa, we feel it is best for everyone to make these necessary changes this year. Santa concurs, and that’s more than enough for us. Thank you for all your support and understanding as we continue to navigate 2020.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!